Enhance Your Influence Working With Teams

Enhance Your Influence Working With Teams

You are the leader of your group or department because that position is delegated to you by the organization. You might be called a “formal” leader. But often others function as “informal leaders” for smaller groups. When you recognize these informal leaders, you can...
Purposeful Action Enables Success

Purposeful Action Enables Success

Once you have listed the obstacles to achievement of your goals and have planned solutions for overcoming them, you reach another point where the goal-setting process sometimes breaks down. It is not enough to plan strategies for overcoming obstacles. You must also...
Mutual Team Trust Develops Respect

Mutual Team Trust Develops Respect

Mutual trust among all the team players creates congruency in thought, ambition, desire, and action. Teamwork bolstered by trust minimizes stress, eliminates misunderstandings, and saves time as you get more done. When you have team members who trust each other, you...
Leaders Create Climate

Leaders Create Climate

The organizational climate has a direct impact on your people. In an atmosphere designed to reinforce productivity, tension and fear are at a minimum and people feel free to use their full potential for creativity and achievement. As a leader, you bear the primary...